Investing in artists living and working in Hull

Middle Child understands how difficult it can be for theatre makers to live and work in Hull, a city at the end of the line that often has to compete with the likes of Leeds, Manchester and London. Reverb, our artist development programme is our commitment to ensuring that artists in Hull are given top-class development opportunities across disciplines without needing to leave the city.

The programme also places artists we are excited about developing at the centre of our own productions. This means that, when working with Middle Child, artists at all stages of their careers will be given opportunities to develop while actually making work, instead of undertaking hypothetical situations.

Much of the programme is diversity-led, working towards a better representation in the stories being told in Hull, the artists who are telling them and the effect that has on audiences in the city. Our new home, Bond 31 on High Street, Hull, features our theatre library, a writing room, hot desking space and rehearsal room, from which the majority of our programme takes place.

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Fresh Ink Hull Playwriting Festival at the Fruit Market

Fresh Ink: Hull Playwriting Festival

Fresh Ink is a new theatre festival designed to support writers from Hull to create and develop new plays in the city.

Inspired by “scratch” theatre nights, the focus will be on performing early versions of new ideas to audiences and gathering feedback to support the next stages of their development.

The first festival in 2024 will be a pilot, sharing six brand-new commissions alongside a programme of workshops and industry talks.

More info
Theatre Library
1:1 Script Support
1:1 Script Support
Writers’ Group
Concrete Retreat
Library Talks
Book Club
Take Your Seat
Acting Gym
Acting Gym

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