Ever wondered how we came up with the name of our panto dame, Pattie Breadcake? With our patented Panto Dame Name Generator!
Simply take the title from the month you were born in, alongside two names from the lists below and voila! Instant panto celeb-dom.
Birth month
January-March: Lady
April-June: Queen
July-September: Dame
October-December: Our
The first letter of your first name
AB: Pattie
CD: Marina
EF: Ferry
GH: Welly
IJ: Fishy
KL: Larkin’
MN: Tiger
OP: Chippy
QR: Mafting
ST: Tenfoot
UV: Croggy
WX: Gravy
YZ: Humber
The first letter of your last name
AB: Breadcake
CD: Turbine
EF: Gristle
GH: Codhead
IJ: Foreshore
KL: Trawler
MN: Headscarf
OP: Oss Wash
QR: Ave a Skeg
ST: Spiders
UV: Big Wheel
WX: Chip Spice
YZ: Dead Bod